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Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 27. März 2020, 14:44
von LeilaKalomi
Nun ist also die erste Staffel vorüber. Ich weiß immer noch nicht, was ich davon halten soll. Gefällt es mir? War ganz nett, mehr aber nicht. Würde ich mir die DVD kaufen? Eher nicht. Vielleicht alle Folgen noch ein zweites Mal durchschauen, mehr aber nicht. Schade eigentlich

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 28. März 2020, 12:28
von Janey
Ich hab dies und das gelesen zum Finale. Ziemlich durchwachsen... Alles unlogisch, ein paar starke Szenen zwischen Data und Picard... Aber dann die Wiederauferstehung am Ende? Und alles läuft normal weiter? Irgendwie gibt es da erhebliche Logikfehler. Warum so und nicht anders? Warum manches hervorheben, was am Ende keine Rolle spielt?

- kick-arse Seven
- kick-arse Riker - aber warum taucht er auf? Keine Lust mehr auf Pizza backen?

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 28. März 2020, 12:31
von Janey

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 28. März 2020, 14:56
von BSGFreak
Janey hat geschrieben:
28. März 2020, 12:28
- kick-arse Riker - aber warum taucht er auf? Keine Lust mehr auf Pizza backen?
Das hat er alles direkt in der Episode erklärt...

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 2. April 2020, 07:28
von Janey
Klar... Er wollte es sich nicht nehmen, für Picard einzustehen... Trotzdem ein Logikfehler, als ob man mal eben so einen Captain reaktivieren könnte?

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 3. April 2020, 13:34
von BSGFreak
Star Trek: Picard season one soundtrack, featuring Isa Briones’ “Blue Skies” out today

One of the high points of the season finale of Star Trek: Picard was a beautiful rendition of Irving Berlin’s “Blue Skies”, sung by actor Isa Briones. No spoilers here, but the song represented a poignant punctuation mark for the series, calling all the way back to Star Trek Nemesis.
In that film, Data sang “Blue Skies” at Riker and Troi’s wedding, as a gift to celebrate their “conjugation”, and the song’s hook has been used several times since to denote a connection back to the character of Data.

Now, Briones’ version of the song is an anchor to the Star Trek: Picard season one complete soundtrack, out today from Lakeshore Records. reports that the soundtrack will include the scores from the episodes “The Impossible Box”, “Nepenthe”, “Broken Pieces” and the series finale “Et in Arcadia Ego” parts one and two, plus the tracks from the “Part One” soundtrack released earlier this year. The album will be released digitally, with CD and vinyl versions expected at some point in the future.

As with previous soundtracks, please be advised that track names often contain spoilers, so if you haven’t yet watched the show, you might want to look out for that. And of course, if you have watched the show already, then I highly recommend heading over to your favorite streaming service now and getting straight on to blissing out to the whole 55-track album.

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 4. April 2020, 17:40
von ShowFreak
Abschlusswertung zu Star Trek: PICARD:

Picard Rezi: Folge 9 und Folge 10:

Frei nach meinem Lieblings-YouTuber: So ein Scheiß!

Ganz ehrlich, ich bin und bleibe wohl ein Viereck unter lauter Dreiecken, denn mich hat auch die Picard Doppelfolge zum Abschluss nicht umgehauen. Es präsentierte sich mir wieder mehr lange Weile und eine äußerst zähe Handlung, als Spannung und Action. Da war nichts von alledem zu finden.

Was passierte nun am Schluss: nun die Crew um Picard und dem Androiden Mädchen, treffen endlich auf ihrer Heimatwelt ein. Gefolgt von einem Romulaner und einem Borg Schiff. Und schon nahm die wirre Handlung ihren Lauf: alle Schiffe landen - irgendwie - mittels Blumenraumschiffen auf dem Androiden Planeten. Um dann wieder von einem Soong und argwöhnischen Androiden in Empfang genommen zu werden. Das hatte schon etwas von, ähm... Echt jetzt? Schon wieder ein Soong? Was genau sollte das jetzt, oder war es nur ganz schlechter Fan Service? Aber gut, das war noch irgendwie wegzustecken, wenn man nicht per se in allem einen tieferen Sinn erwartet.

Jedoch, was für mich gar nicht ging, war der Umstand, weshalb jetzt Androiden auf einmal Kontakttelepathen sind. Im ernst jetzt? Ein nicht humanoides Wesen, kann jetzt Gedanken lesen, wie einst Spock? Alberner geht's kaum! Und ganz ehrlich, an dieser Stelle, wird der Zuschauer echt für bescheuert erklärt, dass er das so einfach glaubt und für bare Münze nimmt. Unglaublich!

Genauso unglaubwürdig war für mich der Good Will, Picard auf sein Gastquartier zu beschränken und Picard macht dies alles widerstandslos, ohne auf den Gedanken zu kommen, dass da was faul ist?

Oder auch die Flucht des Romulaners aus seinem Gefängnis auf dem Androiden Planeten, mehr vorhersehbar ging's wohl kaum. Noch bevor die Androidin, welche Sojis Ebenbild war, den Romulaner fliehen lies, war schon klar, wer hier Opfer und Täter ist. Wie langweilig, dann kann ich ja an der Stelle abschalten!

Auch der zweite Teil dieser Doppelfolge glänzte nicht unbedingt mit Einfallsreichtum. Plötzlich sind Picards Crew und der Romulaner Freunde und sitzen verträglich zusammen? Ähm? Habe ich da was nicht mitbekommen? Und wie schnell die böse Androidin ausgemacht wurde! Merkwürdig! Das alles wirkte alles so an den Haaren herbeigezogen, aber leider wenig durchdacht.

Und so zieht sich das Ganze bis einem enttäuschenden Ende hin. Mit dem krönenden Abschluss, dass mir sofort klar war, als Picard starb, dass er nicht wirklich starb. Dass man ihn in dem Androiden Körper wieder auferstehen lassen würde. Das war so vorhersehbar und so unsagbar albern gemacht! Sodass ich da wieder einen Ich-fasse-mir-an-den-Kopf-Moment hatte.

In dem Sinne, kann ich zu dieser Doppelfolge leider nur sagen: So ein Scheiß!


Würde ich mir diese Staffel Picard noch einmal ansehen? Nein! Ganz bestimmt nicht! Diese erste Staffel glänzte nicht gerade vor Einfallsreichtum und kam mit einer äußerst schwachen und sehr vorhersehbaren Story daher. Im Endeffekt spielt es für mich keine Rolle mehr, ob diese Staffel ein absolutes Must See! oder eher eine Katastrophe ist. Picard bleibt für mich leider ein Relikt der 1990ziger Jahre. Eine potentielle Entwicklung und ein Ankommen in der heutigen Zeit, konnte ich nicht sehen. Ich fand die Staffel eher enttäuschend. Ich denke, Patrick Stewart hat sich damit keinen Gefallen getan, denn einen würdigen Abschied von Picard, stelle ich mir deutlich anders vor.

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 15. April 2020, 17:40
von BSGFreak
Star Trek: Picard executive producer Akiva Goldsman imagines a coronavirus episode

Star Trek: Picoronavirus?
Recently, Patrick Stewart was asked how he thought Jean-Luc Picard would have handled the coronavirus outbreak. Now, someone else is putting words in the mouth of the galaxy’s favorite British Frenchman. The entertainment site Vulture wondered how some of TV’s favorite characters would respond to the current pandemic. And so, they asked people who’ve written for them. Taking the part of Picard was Akiva Goldsman, writer and executive producer on Star Trek: Picard.

In the quarantine-specific “Admiral’s Log”, Picard contemplates the difficulty of long-term isolation, and the toll it takes on himself and his crew. There’s fear. “Essential systems continue to fail,” says the admiral. The crew wants to leave the ship, but they can’t. Instead, they work through the fear and they stay on the ship, secure in the belief that this will pass.

“The threat we face is real,” says the admiral: “…with no immediate end in sight. But that does not make it endless. On the contrary, this period of darkness will end, as surely as it began. Fear will fade to memory. We will survive, stronger, perhaps more aware of the profound connections we have always shared. And a time will come when we once again right this ship and sail forward together into the future, that bright unknown.”

Level-headed and hopeful. One would expect no less of Jean-Luc Picard.

Of course, all characters are not the same.
From 30 Rock’s Kenneth the Page to Lost’s Sawyer to Sesame Street’s Elmo - characters of all stripes have their say.
Well, their writers do, anyway. Find out what your favorites would do and say online at

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 16. April 2020, 19:17
von BSGFreak
Star Trek: Picard director Hanelle Culpepper on Borg cube reveal: “I went nuts when I read it in the script”
by Michael Thorpe

Before it aired, Star Trek: Picard revealed a lot of surprises. Brent Spiner would be back. Jeri Ryan would return. Jonathan Frakes! Marina Sirtis! Of course, it was hard to keep those surprises, though Hanelle Culpepper did have one surprise for viewers: the Borg cube.

Spoilers, by the way. Sorry.

The entertainment site Gold Derby interviewed Culpepper, who holds the distinction of being the first female director to launch a Star Trek series. And she got to end the beginning in a big way. A lot of the series takes place on and around a Borg cube reclamation project.
“I am a ‘Next Generation’ fan,” Culpepper told Gold Derby, “and when [the pilot episode] ended with that reveal of the Borg cube … I just knew the audience was going to go nuts when they saw that because I went nuts when I read it in the script.”

“The fangirl in me just got super excited reading that script,” said Culpepper, “and I was really inspired by how I wanted to shoot the show.”

While the spectacle of the Borg cube was exciting, ships and stunts weren’t her focus.
Helming Picard’s first three episodes, Culpepper said: “My model with it was to blend the epic with the intimate, so to always bring you really cool, epic, cinematic shots, but to always remember that the character is the most important thing with this series.”

If you haven’t seen it for yourself, Star Trek: Picard is still available to watch as part of an extended free trial of CBS All Access. And you can catch Culpepper’s two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery as well. What? You’ve got someplace to be?

Quelle: ... the-script

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 17. April 2020, 12:00
von Janey
LeVar Burton hat verraten, dass er bei PICARD mitmachen wird.

trekmovie LeVar Confirms Discussions to Appear in Star Trek Picard

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 22. April 2020, 15:58
von BSGFreak
Watch the filming of Star Trek: Picard in new 360-degree video
by Alison Pitt
The filming of Star Trek: Picard “Absolute Candor”, as seen in a new 360-degree Video

I’d be willing to bet there isn’t a Star Trek fan on the planet who wouldn’t give their left index finger to be on set during filming. Sadly, unless you’re on the crew or maybe a bona fide wizard, there’s not a huge chance of that happening.

But this week, is helping fans get about as close as they can to the experience of really being on set. They just released a new 360-degree video, a behind-the-scenes look at the filming of Star Trek: Picard.

The video was shot during the filming of season one episode four, “Absolute Candor”.
In that episode, Picard visits the Qowat Milat on the planet Vashti.

The scene we see in the 360-degree video is the rehearsal for the part of the episode where Picard has an encounter with a Romulan refugee in the local cafe, just before he reunites with Elrond.
As a viewer, you can move the camera and look at the set and the attending crew, or simply watch as Jonathan Frakes directs the action.
To help place the scene in context, there’s even a picture-in-picture of the final scene from the film, as the action plays out.
You can watch the video for yourself on

But for an extra treat, it’s also worth heading to the Star Trek on CBS All Access Facebook page on your mobile device, where you can view the 360-degree-ness by simply moving your device around you. Truly immersive.

And of course, you can watch all of Star Trek: Picard right now, on CBS All Access.
To get a month’s free trial, head to, click through to the CBS site, and use the code ALL, when you sign up.

Editor’s note: all The Lord of the Rings references contained herein are intentional, and stupid.

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 3. Mai 2020, 12:19
von BSGFreak
Season 1 Episode 10
Raffi + Seven = Saufschwestern? ...oder geht da mehr?

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 3. Mai 2020, 16:25
von ShowFreak
BSGFreak hat geschrieben:
3. Mai 2020, 12:19
Season 1 Episode 10
Raffi + Seven = Saufschwestern? ...oder geht da mehr?
Oh bitte nicht! Außerdem, war Seven nicht eindeutig hetero? Sie hatte in Voyager doch Chakotay gedatet... Also bitte nicht so eine Nummer, dass Seven etwas mit dieser Raffi anfängt. Dann meinetwegen nur BFF's, aber bitte nicht mehr...

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 3. Mai 2020, 18:31
von BSGFreak
Seven/Chakotay ist nun schon 20 Jahre her...als Seven/Raffi am Tisch saßen, gingen ihre Hände ineinander...da geht definitiv mehr!

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 7. Mai 2020, 17:31
von Ronon
Star Trek: Picard - Neuer Blick hinter die Kulissen der Serie veröffentlicht ... ffentlicht

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 7. Mai 2020, 19:50
von BSGFreak
Prop master Jeff Lombardi describes building out the world of Star Trek: Picard
by Chris Peterson

Every Star Trek series depends on the production staff to provide a setting that not only the audience will believe, but one the actors will, too. That’s where props come in. In a video from, Picard prop master Jeff Lombardi gave audiences an inside look at what it takes to create the world we see on screen.

"We're the people who manage and build the materials that an actor uses, physically, on the set,” Lombardi said. “It’s not always just what the actor uses. Sometimes it can be story specific.”

Props such as this would include designing a bat’leth just for decoration, as well as recreating the “Captain Picard Day” banner from Star Trek: The Next Generation episode, “The Pegasus”.
Lombardi went on to say “A prop is anything that any other department in the film doesn't want to deal with, and it's up to us to figure it out and deliver it on set.”

Sir Patrick Stewart was involved early on in selecting props for Star Trek: Picard.
“I sent him kind of a visual breakdown,” Lombardi said, “different options for teacups, watches, badges, the Ressikan Flute, anything I could. I just wanted to get it in front of him and talk about each and every thing.” One of those items is the wooden cane, outfitted with a small telescope, which Picard carries in the series.

In the video, Lombardi reflected on Stewart's reaction to the prop, saying, “I showed that to Patrick and he instantly was like ‘I love that idea, of him having a telescope and he’s going to be spying on all of the chateau workers down there, grumbling and barking orders at them in French.’

That’s what I really love about props and working with actors, when you can find something that they can absorb into their character, ignites a fire inside of their imagination, and start feeling more and more in the world.”

One of the most impactful props in season one of Star Trek: Picard are the individual body parts of the Soong-type android, B4.
“A lot of the old Star Trek props were auctioned off and scattered across the world,” Lombardi explained. “We didn’t want to build a new Data.
I wanted to use the old Data parts that we had seen before, despite what shape they might be in”. Lombardi and his team set out to locate the original Star Trek: Nemesis props, finding the torso in Hong Kong, and the head in Calgary.

Another essential prop is the communicator, or “comm badge”. When designing the badge of the future, the props department went back in time...or is it forward?
“If you remember in some of the older seasons of Voyager and The Next Generation,” Lombardi said, “they actually go to the future that we’re in and there was a badge designed for that.”
Using that design as a sort of template, the team tried different material and color combinations until they settled on the current design of chrome and charcoal.

The dedicated efforts of the Star Trek: Picard props team are helping to bring a level of authenticity to an imagined future. “Being a Trekkie and knowing how much the fans are dedicated to this world and this universe,” Lombardi said, “I definitely wanted to nail that for them.”

And of course, you can check out all those detailed props for yourself in Star Trek: Picard; the whole first season is now streaming on CBS All Access.

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 14. Mai 2020, 21:47
von BSGFreak
Sir Patrick Stewart hints about Picard season two as CBS All Access starts Emmy nomination push
by Aaron Coker
Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: Picard
This January, Star Trek fans were treated to the return of Sir Patrick Stewart to their TV screens in the role of Jean-Luc Picard.
The season one finale of Star Trek: Picard left viewers with as many questions as answers, and anticipation is running high for the show’s second season.
But according to Stewart, he was initially less than enthusiastic about the whole idea of a Picard series.

In an interview with entertainment news site Gold Derby, Stewart explained his initial reluctance, saying that he felt that he had “said everything there was to say with Jean-Luc Picard and there was no more to tell” and that he had turned down other spin-off ideas in the past.

But when he met with the series creative team, figures like Alex Kurtzman, Akiva Goldsman, and Kirsten Beyer, he changed his mind.
The story they were proposing, said Stewart, was the only kind of Star Trek series he was interested in making.

The next chapter in that story will be somewhat delayed as production has been halted due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
But the veteran Trek star is just as enthusiastic about the new run of episodes as he was for the show’s first, predicting “startling events” in season two that will cover new ground for the series.
Naturally, Stewart couldn’t go into any detail but he added, “It’s going to be extraordinary...I’m looking forward to it very much.”

Stewart wasn’t the only familiar face to make a return in Picard season one. Marina Sirtis, Jonathan Frakes, Jeri Ryan, Jonathan Del Arco, and Brent Spiner all reprised their former roles in Picard and we expect to see other Trek actors join their ranks in season two.

LeVar Burton recently revealed that he’s in talks to reprise the role of Geordi La Forge in the future and Robert Picardo confirmed in July of last year that he had been approached by CBS to appear in season two of Picard. Even Frakes believes that there could be more TNG stars to come back in the new season.

Stewart may be excited for the new season of Picard, but CBS is enthusiastic about his chances at this year’s Emmy Awards.
According to, the network has started an Emmy campaign for the new series with Stewart as its focus; CBS hopes Academy voters will consider nominating him for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series. Many of the show’s supporting actors were submitted for consideration as well, and CBS additionally submitted the second series of Short Treks for consideration in the Short Form Drama category.

Star Trek has had recent success at the Emmys; last year the second season of Star Trek: Discovery was nominated in 4 Emmy categories and took home the award for Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup for the episode “If Memory Serves”.

If you want to hear more from Stewart himself on Picard season two (and you aren’t afraid of season one spoilers), the entire interview is available on or on their YouTube channel.

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 14. Mai 2020, 23:01
von Janey
Cool. Irgendwie verpasse ich die News zu den Serien derzeit oder wird einfach nicht viel gepostet? Ich hoffe, dass in "Hollywood" Produktionen hoffentlich bald weiterlaufen... Kaum vorzustellen, dass wir auf die nächsten Trek-Staffeln ewig warten müssten.

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 15. Mai 2020, 17:33
von Ronon
Geht mir auch so Janey sind ja nette Infos und tolle Bilder und Videos.

Re: Star Trek: PICARD

Verfasst: 23. Juni 2020, 19:16
von BSGFreak
Director Hanelle Culpepper describes Star Trek: Picard as “a character driven series with Picard at the heart”
by Chris Peterson

Directing Star Trek is no small task. There are high standards to maintain and high expectations, especially if you’re directing the pilot of a long-awaited Star Trek series.
Hanelle Culpepper took on that challenge, directing the first three episodes of season one of Star Trek: Picard.

Culpepper spoke with Variety recently to discuss her work on the series as well as what it was like directing Sir Patrick Stewart.

Being responsible for the pilot as well as the following two episodes, it was Culpepper’s job to set the tone for the show. “I wanted it to feel inspired by where Picard was on his emotional journey,” Culpepper said of the pilot, which begins with an aging Picard living at the family vineyard. “We have to get those big, cinematic shots with drones and cranes and stuff, but we always wanted to not forget that it’s really a character-driven series with Picard at the heart.”

Those cinematic shots are vital to bringing the audience into a scene. When it comes to the sentiment behind it, Culpepper noted that executive producer Alex Kurtzman wanted to “always see both eyes”, allowing the audience to see the full range of emotions from the actors, especially in close shots.

You might think that directing Stewart would be a daunting task, but extensive preparation by Stewart and the writing staff made the job a bit easier for the veteran director. “For me,” Culpepper said, “it was just about creating the safe space where he could do the things he wanted to do. Ultimately, it was nice to be in a situation where the actor and the writers are all on the same page for who this character is.”

While Culpepper broke new ground with Picard as the first woman to direct a Star Trek pilot episode, she’s no “spring chicken” in the television world at large.
According to IMDb, Culpepper has directed more than 30 television episodes from shows including Star Trek: Discovery, NOS4A2, Gotham and Criminal Minds, to name just a few.
She is also a member of the 2019 inaugural class of ReFrame Rise, a program that strives to assist the careers of female directors.

And of course, you can check out Culpepper’s directing style for yourself, in episodes one, two and three of Star Trek: Picard, streaming now on CBS All Access.